HamSlam 24 Was A Huge Success, News (Seaforth Centenaires)

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Jan 17, 2025 | CentsTalk | 79 views
HamSlam 24 Was A Huge Success
A tradition that has become a Holiday Season staple around the greater Seaforth area took place on December 21st at the Seaforth arena.  Other than the final score - against a very tough Tavistock team - the night had a couple of very festive plot lines. 

First off, team president, Bill Tremeer, presented captain Reuben Smith with an award for his achievement earlier in December when he became the highest scoring player in Seaforth Centenaires (Senior A) history.  And to weave that story further, Reuben was the guy to light the lamp first which brought on the massive ham donation.  All tolled, the evening contributed over 450 hams to the local food bank.  Another highlight was the involvement of the Huron Heat U7 team (coached by Reuben) who the Cents were honored to host for the night as both ham ambassadors (helped to pick up the hams) as well as joining the team for the opening ceremonies.   The Cents would also like to recognize the extra-ordinary work of Wyatt Carey (along with his great helper group!) who was the mastermind behind the entire night.
The Boot - Seaforth
Bar and Grill - Right by the tracks!
The Boot
Bar and Grill - Right near the tracks in Seaforth!